Mid sem intensive: Lego man's torso

The lego man project: creating an assembly of Lego man according to real dimensions of a lego mini figure. I borrowed a policeman lego from Ren and bought a 20$ mechanical Vernier caliper from Super Cheap Auto.
The first challenge was to measure the parts: reading the caliper and measuring the parts are tough when the lego man is soooooo small. I noted down the measurements in a simple elevation sketch.

I started building the lego man's torso according to Andrew's method: sketching one quarter and then mirroring the part twice.

1: extruding a block from the front plane

2: At this part I realized I missed out a small face at the bottom right corner at first step so I redo everything again to fix that. Then extrude cut to form a the outer wall. 
3: Extruding a rectangle at the inside. I put the measurements wrongly at first and realized that when I did step 4 and just couldn't get the 2 parts fit in. Corrected the dimensions later.
4: Extruding a Z shape. I couldn't measure the exact dimensions of this part of the lego man because it is just too small so I just estimating the dimensions and hopefully it will fit the waist later. 
5: Adding fillets on both sides to make a curved shape. Again just estimating the radius of the fillet with try and error until it looked right to me.
6: Sketching a slot and extrude cut on the curved shape.
7: Mirror the part about the front plane. When I choose all features to mirror it doesn't work but when I choose at "Bodies to mirror" it worked.
8: Extrude cut a hole at the side.
9: Mirror the body  about the side face. 
10: Adding fillets to the sides (vertical edges first then the top face)
11: Adding chamfer to the hole. Estimating the distance of chamfer because I couldn't measure it on the lego man.
12: Lastly extruding a cylinder on the top face of body and adding a fillet on top. 



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