Week 7.

Part 1
extrude a block
insert components and arrange them in an assembly, move and rotate the blocks then using different "mate" relations on different faces.

The rotating tools are difficult to use at first, I just couldn't rotate the parts in directions that i want,  it became easier after some practice.
creating 3 different part then put them in assembly, using different mates (concentric for the holes, coincident between faces and coincident between planes) so that it is fully defined.

At corrugation tab create new explode, n dragging them in place.
Create isometric exploded view, adding BOM and balloons, editing the tittle block.

Arranging the same parts in different way...

Tricky part is to extrude cut a section inside. Couldn't understand the top view initially, able to extrude under Andrew's guide.

 Using revolve boss to create the slide
 Using 3 mates (concentric mates between 2 faces and 2 planes) to create this assembly. Yet it is still under defined although I couldn't drag anything. Found out later that I had to press the rebuild button.
exploded view of the assembly.


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