
Showing posts from October, 2018

Lego man's arm

The most complicated part: the arm. Followed the tutorial video step by step to build this. using Tools> Sketch tools> sketch picture to insert photo of the arm, aligning it to the origin and sketch according to the given dimensions with reference to the photo. Using a new tool learned this week: Convert Entities to copy and paste the arc and revolve a sphere. Adding "shoulder plane" with reference to a parallel line on the right plane, draw a slant line and extrude cut the sphere. Sketching a circle in a guide square on front plane. Since the square is sketched from the first sketch on right plane, and the circle is at tangent to 3 edges, there is no need to dimension any lines.  Adding 2 more planes Sketching another circle using same method as previous circle. Create a loft from the 2 circles. Sketch a line on the right plane and extrude cut (through all both sides). Insert>Cut>with surface and select right plane to cut...