Other parts

With all the other projects going on I couldnt bother about a lot of details that I normally would, and some of the part sketches are under defined because I thought I will have time to go edit those in the general assembly.

Some problems I encounter:
1. too small to see & measure

couldnt see what shape it is and couldnt bother to count the numbers... also a lot parts have inner structures not visible from the outside which makes modelling it super frustrating. Life's a lot easier when Katie uploaded drawings with section views (THANKS!)

2. Wrong sub assemblies.
made a plunger inner sub assembly and a outer sub assembly just for the plunger assembly because I thought it was just purely to make things stick to each other and I thought that would be more organised. Later realised that the assembly should be put together like how it would assemble together in real life.

I quickly redo everything (you remember each single mate when u struggle for 5 hours just to mate those parts) and this time I learned to insert every component first then mate each part in sequence so that it would be easier to locate in the feature tree. 

3. Drawings (STANDARD??)
Forgotten almost every thing about drawing in solidworks.
Like... how should i dimension things? should the numbers be in left or right? what is the scale to use? what if standard scales dont fit?

2:1 is too big but 1:1 is too small.
1.5:1 is  just nice. not sure if we're allowed to do that.... but i did.

Also for dont know what reason I cant link to properties for the cap part drawing only. No problem for other drawings. So i just typed everything manually.


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